Reasons You Should Take A Gap Year After College!

by Jessica Eni

Congratulations on completing your secondary education. You’ve fought gallantly. The battle is over, but the war goes on. I understand school wasn’t kind! The outside world is cruel. More reasons, you should be prepared for what lies ahead.

You might have written UTME, popularly called JAMB. Or you decided to wait. If you wrote UTME, you might have checked your results, or it’s been delayed, hence you know whether you’re eligible for a tertiary institution this year, or you’ll have to rewrite UTME next year. If you passed, good luck! Otherwise, see it as a blessing. Forgive yourself for not doing better and take a gap year before going to university.

By the time you’ve finished reading this post, you’ll probably see why staying home while your mates prepare for tertiary education isn’t such bad luck. 

Nigeria, Our Beloved Country.

The globe is evolving quickly, yet this society seems to be lagging. Talk about the nation’s unemployment rate. More graduates are qualified for occupations than there are open positions. Nevertheless, reports claim that every year more than 50,000 graduates enter the workforce. 

Tertiary education is essential, but it’s not a requirement. I know you’ve been taught to:

  • Go to school,
  •  Study hard,
  • And get employed.

Wake up! That logic doesn’t work anymore. Currently, you should:

  • Acquire basic education,
  • Study smart,
  • Learn skills (digital skills preferably),
  • Solve a problem,
  • And get paid.

The goal is to amass wealth. Your parents want you to concentrate on your studies because of this. Will a job provide you with the life you deserve or desire?


The truth is a job won’t give you any of those lives. A job will only make you pinch pennies. Not to mention the limitations that come with being an employee. 

That is one reason you should take a gap year after high school. 

You still have a lot of choices to make. Thinking about certain aspects of your life before leaping would be best. You don’t want to be a half-baked graduate or perhaps drop out.

Before going to university, you should have your life planned. It would be best to have plan B if school doesn’t work. There are 26 letters of the alphabet, and you can have a plan up to Z. 

If you don’t have a plan, take a gap year after secondary school. You’ll thank me later. 

Reasons You Should Take A Gap Year After High School!

Taking a gap year has a lot of benefits. It’s a personal decision and could pay off with time. I’ll share some reasons why you might find taking a gap year helpful.

Stop. Pause. Think.

1. What Course Do You Want To Study At University?

It would be best if you were practical about it. Say it out loud.

What happened? You didn’t say anything because you don’t know what course to study.

You mentioned your dream course. 

Whichever you did doesn’t matter.

The most important thing is choosing a course that matches your passions, visions, interests, talents, and weaknesses. Then, whatever course you pick, have a compelling WHY to support it. As a teenager, there’s a possibility you don’t have a strong will yet. Your decisions are still swayed by what you think, not what you know, peer influence, etc.

That said until you’ve decided what career path suits you best, take a gap year after high school. 


2. Your Finances Are Another Reason To Take A Gap Year After High School. 

The Bible at Luke 14:28-30 says 28,” for example, who if you want to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense to see if he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, he might lay its foundation but not be able to finish it, and all the onlookers would start to ridicule him, 30 saying: ‘This man started to build but was not able to finish.’ – New World Translation

I think the reason for this scripture is self-explanatory. 

Before enrolling in the university, be sure you have a financial support system to see you through. You don’t want to get stranded along the way. And run to social media soliciting your school fees. Or beg for cash before buying airtime to conduct project research, handouts, etc. Consider this factor, take a gap year after secondary school, and build your finances. It’ll save you a lot of headaches in the future. 


3. Take A Gap After Secondary School If You Don’t Have Skills (Technical Or Digital)!

Skills pay bills! Not wishes! 

Learn skills and earn the money you need. Instead, you use your phone daily, buy data, and don’t watch helpful videos that would help you grow. That is why you’re broke!

Next time you buy a data bundle, go to Youtube and search for a high-income skill like logo designing, content writing, graphic designing, copywriting, etc. Pick one, watch the video tutorials and PRACTICE it! Then you can look for an avenue to monetize the skill. It’s a great way to save up for your education without your parents’ help. Aside from monetizing a high-income skill and saving, you can be self-employed if a job isn’t forthcoming when you graduate. You don’t need to wait for the government to give you a job or result to unhealthy vices to make money out of frustration. 

It would be best if you took a gap year after secondary school for these and many more reasons. 



Can I take a gap year after secondary school?

This article is not an excuse to stay at home when you’re ready for school. You should take a gap year after high school if you wrote UTME because your mates are writing UTME. Use your time and knowledge. 

Think right. To your success.

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Jessica Eni
My name is Jessica Eni. I am a content writer. I write content for social media pages, brands, blogs, and websites. I'll help you make sales with words.
I am a social media enthusiast, teen aide, and mental health and personal development advocate.
Let's connect on: Facebook, LinkedIn, or WhatsApp.

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