Being a Good Worker: Eleven Science-Backed Tips to Improve Your Mood at Work

by Content Partners
improve your mood at work

Your daily productivity depends on various factors like weather, diet, sleep quality, task significance, and motivation. However, the mood often gets underestimated. 

Studies highlight its significant impact on performance, making mood management a crucial aspect of productivity. Now, in some cases, flowers can massively improve your mood. 

So, if you want to get or send flowers to Mississauga, you can always do it through an online platform like My Global Flowers. In any case, let’s keep reading this article till the end to get more information about how you can improve your mood at work. 

How to Improve Your Mood at Work

At every company, including ours, happiness is a frequent topic. It’s ingrained in our culture, evident in our values, and has been since the beginning. While our values have evolved, the importance of cultivating happiness remains.

So, I delved into the research to find simple ways to be happier today. Spoiler: there’s a wealth of information! After sifting through it all, here are eleven straightforward ways I discovered, backed by science, to boost your happiness.

  1. Try taking a short walk

A midday stroll is like a triple boost for your workday. It sparks creativity, sharpens thinking, and gives your body a break from sitting. Research from Iowa State in 2016 reveals that the simple act of walking can significantly lift your mood. So, when drowning in paperwork or feeling office monotony, take a short walk around the block or climb stairs indoors. In just five minutes, you might come back to your tasks feeling refreshed and energised.

  1. Spend Some Time and Organise Your Workspace

Your mental well-being is closely tied to the tidiness of your home, and a similar connection exists between your mood and your work environment. 

A messy and disorganised space can lead to stress and procrastination, while a clean and orderly workspace boosts focus, mood, and overall productivity. 

Taking a moment to tidy up your desk, cubicle, or WFH setup can make you feel more in control and overcome barriers to happiness in traditional workspaces. 

Embrace your inner Marie Kondo, declutter your space, and if you’re up for it, tackle your computer desktop and email inbox – start small for a successful change.

  1. Watch a short video, preferably funny

Laughing not only feels fantastic (thanks, endorphins!), but it also adds a burst of energy and boosts productivity. Don’t hesitate to spend a few minutes watching a short—funny SNL skit, scrolling through hilarious TikToks, or revisiting that meme your friend sent. 

Taking a quick break for genuine laughter is a simple and enjoyable way to break up tasks, reduce stress, and improve your mood at work without stepping away from your desk.

  1. Accept what’s in your control

Acceptance involves two simple steps, according to Kogan (an HBR writer). 

First, acknowledge the situation and concentrate on what you know is true. Then, pinpoint one step you can take to move forward with less stress. Kogan emphasises how we often underestimate the energy-draining impact of dwelling on stressful situations. 

By practicing these two acceptance steps, you redirect your focus to what you can control and take productive action, no matter how small. This small step can trigger a sense of progress in your brain, motivating you to discover other useful actions you can take.

  1. Prioritise sleep over work

Unsurprisingly, sleep significantly influences your mood at work. 

Studies indicate that sleep deprivation can lead to increased stress, anger, sadness, and mental exhaustion. It also diminishes energy and willpower, hampering productivity. 

Messing up your sleep is arguably the least productive choice. Therefore, prioritising sleep by ensuring enough rest, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and optimising sleep conditions are crucial. Better sleep directly correlates with higher productivity.

  1. Move closer to your workplace

The daily commute to the office can significantly impact our happiness, especially since we repeat it twice a day, five days a week. 

Studies consistently show an inverse relationship between happiness and commute time. A longer commute tends to decrease satisfaction with work and life, even affecting physical health and activity levels, according to research in an International Journal of Public Health. 

It explains why a commute that takes only seconds, like moving from your bedroom to your desk, plays a substantial role in overall happiness and well-being.

A study by Tracking Happiness revealed that remote workers are 20% happier than those working in the office. The State of Remote Work says that 91% of respondents had positive remote work experiences, and 98% expressed a desire to WFH, at least occasionally, throughout their careers.

  1. Celebrate even the smallest victories

Our brains are wired to prioritise potential threats for survival, creating a negativity bias. This means we often overlook our progress and fixate on setbacks. 

Despite achieving 99 out of 100 things, our minds tend to focus on one mistake. This pattern can significantly impact our mood at work and make us feel like failures.

One way to counter this is by making a list of our daily accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognising each positive action helps redirect our focus to the progress we’re making. This not only boosts mood but also enhances our productivity by maintaining a positive mindset.

  1. Talk to a co-worker when bored

During the period of our office remodel, I had to switch from a private place to a shared one with a colleague. At first, losing my space felt frustrating, but surprisingly, my overall happiness increased. Why? Because my co-worker is a friend. 

Sharing the office meant we could easily interact, take breaks to catch up, share stories, or just laugh about HR’s latest email. 

Building positive relationships at work and staying engaged throughout the day makes work feel less like work. You can’t spend the whole day socialising, but finding time for quick chats is easy and rewarding. After a laugh or a brief vent, you might even find renewed enthusiasm for that project you’ve been putting off.

  1. Take lunch breaks at the right time

Maintaining a steady mood at work involves eating well and staying hydrated. But that doesn’t mean grabbing birthday cake and sugary sodas every hour (though a treat now and then is fine). Instead, take real lunch breaks to clear your head and have a balanced meal. 

If your focus wavers in the afternoon, opt for a healthy snack like low-sugar bars or whole foods. Choosing nutritious alternatives can help keep you satisfied, bid farewell to the usual afternoon mood dip, and support your daily nutritional needs.

  1. Find the proper meaning of your work

Just over a third of people feel truly engaged at work, and this engagement is a significant predictor of daily happiness. While finding meaning in your job might sound idealistic, it could be the key to long-term fulfillment. Linking your daily tasks to a broader purpose can bring deeper satisfaction and a sense of purpose in life. 

Start by connecting your work to the people you serve or, on a smaller scale, ask yourself, “What’s one thing I can do today that’s meaningful, helpful, or useful to me and/or others?” It could be as simple as getting an assignment to someone who depends on your work.

  1. Meditate — whenever you can

Meditation, often praised for improving focus and calmness, also plays a role in boosting happiness. A study by Massachusetts General Hospital examined brain scans before and after an eight-week mindfulness meditation course. Post-course, participants showed growth in brain areas linked to compassion and self-awareness, while stress-related parts shrank.

According to Shawn Achor (American orator and author), meditation’s benefits extend to long-term happiness. Immediate effects include feelings of calm and heightened awareness, with regular practice even rewiring the brain for increased happiness.

If full meditation seems daunting, even a few deep breaths can make a difference. 

According to a research module of Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, deep breathing reduces stress and enhances emotional control. Focusing on the breath serves as a simple grounding practice in meditation and is an excellent starting point.

The Benefits of Having Flowers at Your Workplace

Adding flower arrangements to corporate spaces, like offices, brings more than just aesthetic appeal. While flowers enhance the visual appeal, they also offer unexpected benefits. 

Research indicates that flowers positively improve your mood and productivity, contributing to overall health and well-being in the workplace. Let’s learn more about it.

  1. Can improve your mood

Surprisingly, there’s evidence indicating that having flowers in the workplace might enhance productivity. Research shows that flowers can positively influence employees’ moods, and studies reveal that simply looking at flowers can boost happiness. 

Additionally, evidence suggests that flowers contribute to stress reduction, lower blood pressure, and decreased absenteeism at work, making them a nice addition to any office space.

  1. Invoke your creativity

Plants and flowers could enhance creativity, as shown in a study on workplace environments. Both men and women exhibited more innovative thinking, generating additional ideas and creative solutions when surrounded by flowers and plants. 

Additionally, plants might contribute to better air quality by increasing moisture and removing toxins, potentially benefiting our health. These unexpected benefits highlight the positive impact flowers can have in the workplace.

  1. Boost your morale

According to a study by Ambius, having fresh flowers or plants in a space reduces stress and can improve your mood. Such an enhanced sense of relaxation contributes to improved morale for both employees and customers. When people are happy, their motivation increases quite eminently, fostering a positive work environment for everyone.

  1. Offers a sense of tranquility

To alleviate tension in a busy workplace or during stressful projects, think about incorporating office flowers. Flowers like lavender, ylang-ylang, and rose emit calming scents commonly used in aromatherapy. Jasmine and floral citrus scents not only relieve stress but also provide an energising boost, which can be beneficial during demanding deadlines.

  1. Takes care of your physical health

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen while also filtering out bacteria and allergens. Having plants nearby boosts the air quality, which is crucial for those with allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions. Good AQ, conversely, helps maintain health and reduces the need for time off work. So, all in all, it’s a win-win situation for everyone. 

The Best Plants for an Office

It’s a smart move to bring indoor plants into your office. Now, the challenge for you is finding the ones your employees will appreciate the most. With endless options and no wrong choice, here are some of our favourite plants to enhance your office.

  1. Succulents, air plants, and cacti

To modernise your office, consider starting with these plants. 

Their unique colors and hardy nature make them ideal. Requiring minimal water and thriving in indirect light, they’re perfect for brightening up your office while your employees work.

  1. Spider plants and snake

If you’re new to indoor gardening, these robust greens are excellent choices—they can handle almost anything! With their stunning multi-colored patterns, they’re real attention-grabbers, adding a pop of color against a backdrop of paperwork.

  1. Daisies

Daisies, being common wildflowers, bring associations of happiness and sunny days. 

Their classic white petals complement any kind of organizational color scheme, and they’re also available in warm pinks, yellows, and reds to add vibrancy to a dull room.

  1. Carnations

These flowers come in almost any color and last nearly two weeks in a vase, providing the office with continuous enjoyment day after day.

The Bottom Line

Including flowers and indoor plants in your office is essential for boosting overall well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction. 

They’re not just for aesthetics; they can also lower your blood pressure, create a less stressful environment, enhance concentration, and improve memory. Consider picking up some of your favourite flowers from the nearest market to enjoy these benefits.

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