The Best Blogging Niches for Nigerian Writers

by Rachael Philip
blogging niche

Blogging is a fast-growing field in the economic system. It can be a remote job with a hybrid phase (where you can predict time off and time in), but your money rolls in. There are untapped blog niches because everyone seems to follow the trend. This is great, but being different and having mastery will ensure you are on the path to the best blogging niches.

Nigerian youths are becoming top earners on the internet via blogging frequently concerning germane topics, otherwise known as a niche. Therefore, picking one of the best blogging niches in 2022 can delete the “sapa” (lack of funds) happening in the economy and grant you a healthier lifestyle.

find your blog niche

Picking the best blogging niche gives you an edge.

You might wonder if you are good enough or require the skill to delve into untapped blog niches. You only require a strong affinity for specific topics, willingness and your phone. This is great, right? So why will you not jump into this scene of the economy and make your cool money?

It’s high time you become a better blogger and you can only doing this by becoming a master at a particular niche. Drop 10% in our account when you make money, and we will be glad.

What is a Blog Niche?

A blog niche refers to a particular subject or topic a blogger has chosen to write about frequently. Once a blogger has chosen a blog niche and writes and posts content frequently, such a person can own the niche and become a leader in the subject or a point of reference. Imagine people seeking verification from your blog on any news about your niche.

The gist is about to get hotter as I bring you the untapped blog niches that made a name for themselves to become the best blogging niches in 2022.

What are the Best Blogging Niches?

  1. Politics

In a bid for the youths to be more involved in the situation in Nigeria and countries worldwide, youths need information that can happen in the form of blogs. Many Nigerians start from the market, women who go home and feed their children with different stories about the country. Children in their classrooms also feel the impact of the country’s condition from the information provided at home.

Just imagine being current with the hottest gist about every country sector and consistently providing such information. For example, Nigeria is warming up for her general elections and the political space is hot. You can write quality piece on the latest developments, the traffic to your blog will be so massive that you will think it’s “jazz”.

You will become a voice to reckon with in the political blogging niche. The diversity in politics makes it an untapped blog niche that prevails as the best blogging niche a blogger can stay in to become wealthy. People will pay to have you at their political parties for the best publication. You need to pay the price by being diligent, disciplined, consistent and hard work all at once.

Read Also: High-paying Niches in Freelance Writing Worth Exploring

  1. Make Money Online

I recently researched online to discover what Nigerians are searching for, especially the youths. I discovered one of the best blogging niches in 2022 is to make money online. This kind of money is not taxable. I am not giving you the option to defraud people(that is unhealthy and unfair).

Making money online is an untapped blog niche due to the rush of activities recently to meet up with deadlines. The Covid-19 pandemic has even made it much more feasible to work online. Teaching people how to have shops online without necessarily having a physical structure is a good way to bypass multiple rent and taxes. The shift of traditional jobs with increasing demand for specific certifications has made this blog niche an avenue to make money in Nigeria.

Read Also: 12 Lucrative Ways to Make Money from Blogging in Nigeria

  1. SEO


Search Engine Optimization

One of the best blogging niches in Nigeria is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) because many people are moving into online businesses thanks to the covid19 pandemic that shook the walls of traditional businesses.

SEO has become the determining factor for the rise and fall of bloggers or online marketers. Imagine content that does not speak people’s minds; less traffic and less recognition lead to the downfall of a business. Nigerian business want their websites to have organic traffic but don’t know how, you can structure your blog to give tips and advice on how to attract people to their business through content writing.

People pay as high as $100 for SEO to make their websites rank. Can you see this is one of the untapped blog niches to make lots of money?

Do you want to become successful in freelancing and blogging? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and participate in the webinars.

  1. Comedy

As a way of relief from the pressures faced daily when people go out to make a living, many Nigerians, especially the youths, find ways to laugh to reduce tension. Comedy ranks as one of the best blogging niches in 2022, making youths converts these comedians into the gods of their evenings.

Comedy, being on the ladder of the best blogging niches, has become a form of medicine on its own to reduce blood pressure and anxiety. Can you see the money you stand to accumulate on millions of smiles all over the world? 

  1. Technology

As different types of mobile apps are emerging in the technology world daily, many people are even more confused about how to use them. Some Nigerians above 50 years only know how to use their phones to make calls with, snap pictures, and send messages, while many other apps lie dormant on their phones. You teach them, and they will adore you. Your blog can also explore the new technologies and teach readers how to use them because technology is the future.

Tip: You can read a piece extracted from one of our lectures in Insightpreneur, Pro Tips to Becoming a Successful Blogger in Nigeria.

  1. Entrepreneurship

Many youths are fed up with seeking jobs and the desire to be independent. The best blogging niche for that youth is entrepreneurship. Think about it, pulling ideas together to help young minds to be independent.

Your blog can be based on content that can help young Nigerians start a business in Nigeria and scale through the hurdles. Many people want to know the secret to success in business, you can give to them.

With the audience’s growth, you have a moral right to demand payment to make youths wealthy. If you are interested in the best blogging niches in 2022, entrepreneurship is a platform for you.

Read Also: How to Hook Your Readers With Great Content

  1. Agriculture 

Farmers are scared to farm due to Insecurity and animals coming to eat the crops. New methods and farming systems could prevent a decline in food scarcity. Agribusiness is an untapped blog niche and farming system in the economy. Bringing the light to these new areas would keep your audience coming back frequently, which means more money for you.


Remember, all the above niches are untapped and the best blogging niches in Nigeria. This means there is a sea of wealth awaiting you as long as you are out in the hard work and appropriate research.

Writing is such a critical skill for successful blogging business. Join our Whatsapp community to get access to learning opportunities in writing.



About Author

Avatar of Rachael Philip
Rachael Philip
My name is Rachael Philip, an undergraduate at Lagos state polytechnic. I'm a Multi-niched content writer and podcast enthusiast who is result-oriented with enthusiasm to learn new things in my field and other fields that interests me.

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