6 Practical Ways to Improve Your Self-Confidence

by Iroha Mary
A self-confident lady.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your growth, craving a break from always being the confident, sure-footed person?

You see, the journey to improving your self-confidence can be daunting. Sometimes, you’ll find your way after a few stumbles. Other times, you might feel stuck, circling familiar doubts and insecurities.

If you’re determined, you’ll learn to walk this path more smoothly. But if you hesitate, you’ll find yourself living in the shadow of others, trapped in a loop of mediocrity. The choice is entirely yours.

As someone who has been there before and who’s still treading the path, I can tell you this for free: self-confidence is always a work in progress. There’s no break or finish line. The moment you feel you’ve “arrived” and stop trying, low self-esteem will creep in and steal the show.

So, here’s the reality—building your confidence is a lifelong process. It’s either you grow with it, or you grow with it.

But how do you go about it? Let’s find out!

6 Practical Ways to Improve Your Self-Confidence

  1. Find your drive

While discussing this topic with a friend, he mentioned the need for a drive; a “why.”

Here’s the thing, improving your self-confidence, like any other journey, requires a strong reason to keep pushing forward. Remember when you first set out to build your self-esteem and how you had a reason to do it? 

Maybe you were silenced as a child, and bullied until you began to doubt yourself, and you desired to reclaim your voice. Now that you’ve done it and found that voice; the journey doesn’t end there.

So, what will keep you going? What will keep your motivation strong as you continue to grow?

It’s no longer just about why you started; you’ve already overcome those early struggles. Now, you need a new reason—a new “why.” Perhaps it’s the influence you’ve gained and your desire not to lose it, or maybe it’s the impact you’re making and the potential you see in yourself.

Ask yourself this question; “What drives me now?” Once you’ve identified that, the rest will follow naturally.

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  1. Set realistic goals

After you’ve discovered your new “why,” the next step is to set clear, realistic, and time-bound goals (establishing a specific time frame keeps you focused and motivated). 

Start by outlining your main goal. For example, if your key objective is to “Stay relevant,” write it down boldly. Then, break it into smaller, achievable sub-goals like, “Publish a book on relevancy within the next year,” “Connect with more like-minded individuals in the next three months,” or “Run a mentorship program for 10 people.”

Once you have your sub-goals, break them down further into small, manageable tasks that fit into your daily routine. For instance, if you want to write a book, and you know your inspiration flows best in the morning but you start work at 9:00 AM, adjust your sleep schedule to allow an hour of writing each morning. Also, you can decide to dedicate your evenings to editing or reading related books to expand your knowledge. 

These are actionable milestones that can fuel your motivation and boost your confidence.

At first, it might feel overwhelming, but the key is to be realistic. Don’t overload yourself with more than you can handle in a short period, as unmet goals can take a toll on your self-esteem. Keep your goals practical, and you’ll stay on track without feeling weighed down.

Read also: Voice Training Tips for Confidence in Speaking and Other Related Careers

  1. Incorporate previous routines

Setting new goals doesn’t mean abandoning the routines that have fueled your progress so far. In fact, those existing habits can be the foundation on which your new goals are built. 

Think about the practices you started with. Did you begin your journey with early morning affirmations or daily journaling of things you’re grateful for? Maybe you had a solid exercise routine or engaged in activities like networking with like-minded individuals.

Whatever routines helped you along the way, make sure to incorporate them into your new plans. For example, if morning affirmations helped boost your mindset, consider adding more specific affirmations that align with your new goals. Keep evolving those routines, ensuring they remain a part of your journey toward a stronger, more confident self.

  1. Identify and focus on your successes

You’ve come too far to let low self-esteem creep back into your life. So, what’s next? Focus on your successes and recognise your accomplishments. Why? This is because as you grow, both constructive and destructive criticism will inevitably come your way. If you’re not grounded in your self-worth and mindful of what you’ve achieved, those criticisms can easily undermine the progress you’ve made.

Remember, knowing your successes gives you the strength to handle feedback, as learning from failures keeps you moving forward. Holding onto this balance is key to maintaining your confidence.

Read also: How to Build a Great Public Speaking Career in Nigeria 

  1. “Learning never ends”

Remember that old quote from the exercise books we used in school, written in bold, colourful letters? “Learning never ends…” It was hard to ignore, and maybe that was intentional—a constant reminder to keep growing, to stay curious, and to discover something new every day. 

The truth is, learning is one of the most important and exciting parts of life’s journey. You simply can’t do without it.

So if you’re reading this, then it’s your cue to never stop learning. Expand your knowledge across different areas; politics, the economy, skills that interest you, self-development, business, religion, entertainment, books, and more. When you have a little understanding of many important topics, you’ll never feel out of place in a conversation, and this will naturally boost your confidence.

Read also: Personal Development Guide for Nigerians 

  1. Be kind to yourself

You can’t truly build or improve your self-esteem if you haven’t learned to love and appreciate yourself first. Being kind to yourself means intentionally nurturing your mind, body, and soul with care and affection. Speak to yourself gently and don’t let your mistakes define you.

A valuable lesson I picked up from my elder sister is her self-reward system. Whenever she hits a milestone or achieves one of daily goals, she buys herself a small gift, like her favourite meal or a new accessory. She doesn’t hesitate to celebrate her small wins.

You can adopt this approach too. It’s a reminder to not be too hard on yourself.

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Leveraging Marianne Williamson’s popular quote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,” let’s wrap this up by acknowledging that self-confidence is not about reaching perfection but embracing your power, flaws, and potential for growth.

Remember, self-confidence is a journey, not a destination. It requires constant nurturing, reflection, and learning. You may stumble, but with every fall comes an opportunity to rise stronger. Don’t fear your greatness, but rather step into it boldly, knowing that the challenges you face only shape you for a more empowered future.

Thanks for following through.


Your cheerleader! 

Edited by Priscilla Ajayi.

About Author

Iroha Mary
Iroha Mary
A creative/content writer who's dedicated to boosting your brand's growth and visibility, by creating amazing contents tailored to your target audience.

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