How to Get Non-Coding Jobs in Tech

by Elena Ashiegbu
non-coding job

Technology has revolutionized the world. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Tech jobs will increase by 13% from 2020 to 2030. This is about 667,600 new jobs. What does this mean? It means that technology is the new oil and gas, and being tech-savvy is now a must skill for everyone, both young and old.

Information and technology jobs are also the fastest- average growing jobs for all occupations, with Blockchain engineers and programmers occupying the top of the food chain.

Well, everyone cannot be a programmer or blockchain engineer. We do not all have the brain or patience for unending matrices and statistical calculations. So how can you then tap into this evolutionary movement? Don’t worry; there is hope for you. The light at the end of the tunnel is the fact that you can still be a tech worker without struggling with strings and variables. Yayyyyy!

What are Non-Coding Jobs?

non-coding job

Non-coding jobs are technical jobs that involve little or no coding experience. These jobs pay as much as the popular DevOps and crypto engineers when you are skilled at them. Their pay ranges from $55k and above per annum, depending on your experience level. For example, an experienced system analyst can earn as much as a data engineer because the data engineer needs excellent workstations and healthy network systems. So non-coding jobs are as important as coding jobs themselves.

One good thing about technology generally is its versatility. The fact is that irrespective of your college degree, you can build a career in tech, both for coding and non-coding jobs. Though non-coding jobs do not need coding experiences or background, getting the proper orientation and learning is still necessary to perform well in your chosen field. Another unique significance of the tech profession is that everything is practical. Your theoretical knowledge is important, but the practical part is much more essential.

The tech world rolls with practicality; you must show your work. While non-coding jobs are sure ways to switch to a tech career, the knowledge level cannot be over-emphasized. There is no standard rule on how to get a non-coding job, but there are processes and core steps to follow to get the skill and land the job. The steps listed below are for the enthusiasts that want to get the job done through Adhoc and self-learning. They are very simple but can deliver great results if followed righteously.

Please stay with me till the end, and I promise it will be worth the time. But before diving in properly, let’s check out some non-coding tech jobs available in 2022.

Non-coding tech jobs available in 2022

  • Information Analyst
  • System Analyst
  • Data Support Officer
  • Technical/Web 3.0 writing
  • Communication /Content Management
  • Social Media strategy/Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • SEO Specialist
  • Software Testing
  • Scrum Master
  • Learning development and strategy
  • Product Development and Management
  • Project management
  • Product Design
  • Graphic design
  • Hardware Engineer
  • User Experience (UX)
  • IT support
  • Network/Database administrator
  • Internet of things
  • Cloud computing
  • Data warehousing
  • Cybersecurity/Networking and so much more.

Now we have seen how diverse the fields in technology are and the different job roles available for non-coding jobs. The above list is not limited to all the non-coding jobs available, but it is a good start. You can research the job descriptions for those you are interested in, so you will know the different types of skills you are supposed to acquire for the job. (Both soft and technical)

That being said, let’s jump into the steps on how to land the above jobs.

How to Get Non-Coding Jobs in Tech

non-coding job

  1. Do Your Research

Most tech wannabes have zero technical background or knowledge and, most times, are required to start from scratch. So, if you find yourself within these groups, research is the first step to landing your non-coding job.

Researching extensively about information technology as a subject matter will give you general knowledge and feel of what tech is about. It will help you understand the broadness of the discipline and the different sectors connected to it. So many people jump into tech with a free online class or course, but they, however, lack the core values involved in tech. This might seem a joke to you, but give it a try.

You will be really glad you did. It will not only expose you to the world of tech, but it will also make up for the lack of technical background. You cannot compare someone that understands the beginning and development of computers from the age of transistors to the one that started with an online course on “A-Z of product management.

You also want to research the market value of the different niches to know the most in-demand, most valued, trending, and always in-demand niches. So yes, research is the first step to starting your tech career and getting your non-coding job.

  1. Pick a Sector

The second step after doing your research is to pick a sector in tech. Thank God! The selection will be a field trip because there are so many branches and sectors in tech. I’d advise you to go for the more socially oriented one. You don’t want to choose geology in tech when you are just a beginner.

After choosing a niche that can be more than one, you then research again. This time around, you are specifically researching based on your chosen niche. You want to know the highest level attainable, the different learning processes available, courses to download, communities to join, and credible certification institutions. You also want to lay down your goal for wanting that particular skill and how long you think it might take you to be competent in it. Like I said earlier, there is no one-way road to it. This is just one tested way to get there.

  1. Get a mentor

This is under-emphasized in the tech industry. Adhoc is cool if that’s your only option. But having someone not only to guide you but keep you accountable can not be overemphasized. Get you a mentor! It will save you time, money, and mental stress.

May I also add that the mentor should be someone in line with your chosen niche? So, they can help you avoid the same mistakes they made, direct you to the materials you need, and be available to correct and motivate you. You want someone to be your cheerleader because technology is a vast field.

You don’t want to keep feeling you are not doing well. So many of us learned ad hoc. While this is good and commendable, it is still not the best way to learn and can never fill in the shoes of a mentor. You learn Adhoc even with a mentor anyway. It is just way better when your fishing line is aligned properly.

  1. Books are your friends

This is my success story, and it is a very important step in your journey to landing that mouth-watering non-coding job. Though I have a first degree in computer science, reading tech-related books greatly exposed me to much-advanced knowledge. I started as a technical writer with this same step. I researched, downloaded so many pdf books on different technical topics, slept and woke up on medium, and took some online classes.

Tech books are not so popular because people prefer enrolling in an online course, but the books contain more of what you need. I got here with it. I can comfortably write on different tech topics and sectors without prior practicing knowledge, all thanks to reading extensively. I have an adage that says books are the gate to eternal wisdom. Well, get yourself a book/books on your chosen work niche, and see for yourself.

  1. Enroll in online courses

Finally, we are here. I know, right! You’ve been waiting for this shoe to drop. This step walks hand in hand with the books. Register for online courses and classes while reading your book series and being very consistent in them, especially if you want to join the content management and digital marketing space. Reading and research are your best buddies. You can’t do without them.

Another angle to this step is also your mentor. Instead of scouring the entire internet looking for materials and good certification that will hit the nail on the head for you, your mentor comes into play. They will narrow the search for you and share materials needed for your particular niche. You can spend money enrolling in 5 different online courses and still not know how to generate SEO keywords. So, enroll for online courses, but let it be based on a narrowed down research, say if you don’t have a mentor.

The second factor in play here is consistency. You don’t want to finish a two-week course in two months. That is a very bad work trait in the tech industry. And again, you will end up enrolling for more than one course and even need to attend some physically. Be very consistent and focused on the learning process. That is the only way you can learn faster and more efficiently. Say you want to be an SEO specialist. The first module of your course will not make you that. Neither will the first full course you completed.

You are learning a new skill you want to defend and get paid after. (landing a job) Be sure to put your all into it. Participate in the projects (because that’s how you learn), do your assignments, carry your mentor along, collaborate with fellow students, and join a tech community. These activities are all very important. Try and get involved in as many of them as you can.

Content writing is one of the non-coding skills you can use to get into the tech industry in Nigeria. Are you interested in learning more about how you can use this? If yes, then join Writers Community using this link.

  1. Collaboration

The tech world is hugely interconnected. Technical writing is strangely connected to web 3.0 and social media marketing. Tech jobs are carried out in teams. While taking a cybersecurity course, remember to take a course on human and personality management too. This will greatly boost your work profile because so many tech workers are anti-social.

Technology mostly proffers solutions to problems, so you want to be able to interact and collaborate with your team and clients amicably. You want to meet deadlines, know when to report bugs, and also be able to work on a project with a team of 7 people without communication hitches.

Getting a non-coding job is essentially every other thing outside coding. Collaboration is among the top list because most times, the non-coding tech workers manage the coding tech workers.

  1. Networking

If you truly want to work in tech, whether as a programmer or not, you need to take your networking to another level. You need to build that community of friends and associates. Without good networking, you most likely won’t get hired, especially for you as a non-coding job seeker.

Your networking link needs no buffering, my dear. Upgrade your LinkedIn profile, create solid connections, interact on educational and social platforms, and contribute to your online community. This is a must-have requirement in your journey to securing non-coding jobs.

  1. Create a portfolio

Well, everything in tech is downright practical. If you want to be an IT support person, you need to know how to troubleshoot and rectify some hardware problems. So, say you have a portfolio of pictures and videos of your work and some technical problems you have resolved. Why would I choose someone without that hard evidence over you? The same applies to content writers, product managers, and designers; virtually every non-coding jobs out there needs a portfolio.

Participating in course projects and assignments during your learning process is very important. You can take up a project by yourself and invite people to join. For example, you are managing a data warehouse. You can create a project from scratch and outline the necessary architectures needed to build the data warehouse.

You can write out methodologies for your data model, metadata, schemas, and design structure. This shows you know what you are doing. So, while doing those assignments and projects, create a portfolio and store them. They are what you need to get your first non-coding job.

  1. Enroll for internships; both paid and unpaid

This is my story again. I enrolled in volunteer writing and internships just for the experience and exposure. As I mentioned earlier, tech is very practical, and no good-paying company would give you a job without a competent portfolio.

Getting internships is one of the easiest ways to land a non-coding tech job. The company may retain you after, or you can groom yourself enough to get hijacked by the big shots. Either way, never forget internships. It is soil that promotes growth like no other.

  1. Recommendations 

Recommendations are another good incentive for grabbing the attention of the big shots. Who knows, someone you collaborated with in the past might land a job with a big company and recommend you based on first-hand experience working with you.

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How sweet is that, hmm. Very sweet, right!

I have exhausted all the weapons in my arsenal. The steps above might not be the conventional “How to work without coding.” But these steps have been tried and tested. My pals and I used/still use them to advance in our tech careers. Thank you for sticking with me through the ride. I hope you had a swell time.

Good luck as you take the first step towards landing your dream non-coding job.

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About Author

Avatar of Elena Ashiegbu
Elena Ashiegbu
Content and technical writer with seasoned experience in storytelling, user research, client satisfaction, and customer relationship management.

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