Consistent Brand Communication: A Simple Guide to Creating a Writing Style Guide

by Halimat Chisom
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writing style guide

I have an unwavering affinity for order and consistency. That’s why I’m writing this. The other reason is I hope to make you a tiny bit like me by the time you’re done reading this. 

Think of a writing style guide as the holy grail of writing guidelines for your brand or business. It outlines the dos and don’ts and the rules and recommendations that govern your brand’s written communication. From tone and voice to grammar and formatting, a writing style guide is the ultimate reference for maintaining a cohesive and professional image across all your content platforms. It also works wonders for your SEO efforts.

So, in this blog post, we’ll explore why a writing style guide is a must-have for any brand or business. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator, a budding entrepreneur, or simply a lover of written words, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to harness the true potential of a writing style guide. 

Why a Writing Style Guide Matters

Building a successful brand or business requires consistency. That’s where a writing style guide swoops in to save the day. More specifically, it helps with:

  1. Consistency and brand voice

In a world filled with noise, you need to stand out. You need a personality and a certain vibe that makes you recognisable. A style guide acts as the compass, helping you define and maintain a unique voice and guiding you toward a consistent brand image. From the choice of words to the tone and style, it ensures that every piece of content from your brand is unmistakably yours.

  1. Clarity and professionalism

Many people would say effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful business. Some would argue it’s customers. Anyway, a style guide ensures that your messages are crystal clear, leaving no room for confusion or misinterpretation. Whether it’s crafting compelling marketing copy or responding to customers, it enables you to communicate your ideas with clarity and precision. It’s the mark of a professional and trustworthy brand.

  1. Streamlined collaboration and efficiency

If you’re working with a team of writers or contributors, a writing style guide becomes your secret weapon for seamless collaboration. It sets the standards, guidelines, and expectations for everyone involved, ensuring that the quality of content remains uniform across the board. It’s like having a unified chorus singing in perfect harmony. Just imagine the goosebumps.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you create new content. The guidelines provide a roadmap and remove the guesswork. It’s an efficiency booster that keeps your content creation process running like a well-oiled machine.

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How Style Guides Contribute to SEO

Adhering to certain guidelines and strategies allows you to optimize your content for search engine visibility and skyrockets your online presence. Here’s how a well-crafted style guide can make all the difference:

  1. Consistent keyword usage

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. Okay, maybe just the bread. A practical style guide ensures you seamlessly integrate relevant keywords into your content, telling search engines what your pages are all about. 

It provides guidelines on where and how often to use keywords for optimal impact. Whether it’s in the title, headings, or body text, proper keyword density ensures that search engines recognize your content as authoritative and relevant.

  1. Formatting and structure for readability and user experience

Nothing sends readers running faster than a wall of text. Your style guide encourages using reader-friendly fonts, appropriate line spacing, and bullet points to break content into digestible chunks. 

This improves user experience and helps search engines index your content more effectively.

  1. Meta descriptions and title tags

Meta descriptions act as mini advertisements for your content on search engine result pages and can improve your click-through rates. Your style guide guides you on crafting attention-grabbing and concise meta descriptions that entice users to click through to your website. 

The title tag is a powerful on-page SEO element. It tells search engines what your page is about and serves as a headline that catches the reader’s eye. Your style guide emphasizes the importance of incorporating relevant keywords into your title tags while crafting compelling headlines.

  1. Internal linking and information architecture

Internal linking is like building a web of connections within your website. Your style guide encourages the strategic placement of internal links to guide users and search engine crawlers to relevant content. Creating a logical and interconnected website structure enhances navigation, user experience, and search engine visibility.

Your style guide highlights the significance of organising your content in a logical and hierarchical manner. With it, you will improve indexability and help search engines understand the relationship between different pages and topics.

Read also: A full guide to SEO content editing for content creators and businesses

Key Elements of a Writing Style Guide

What makes up a comprehensive and effective guide? These elements serve as the building blocks for crafting consistent and engaging content. 

  1. Tone and voice

Your style guide establishes the personality and tone you want your brand to embody. Is it conversational, professional, playful, or authoritative? Clearly defining the desired tone and voice ensures that your content always resonates with your target audience.

Your style guide provides examples and guidelines to maintain consistency in tone and voice across all communication channels. It sets the framework for writers to understand and emulate the desired style, ensuring that every piece of content reflects your brand’s unique voice regardless of the author.

  1. Grammar and punctuation

A solid foundation in grammar and punctuation is essential for effective communication. Your style guide outlines the rules and standards for grammar and punctuation usage, ensuring error-free content. It covers aspects such as proper sentence structure, punctuation marks, and common grammatical pitfalls to avoid.

In addition to grammar, your style guide covers conventions such as capitalization, hyphenation, Oxford commas, abbreviations, and using italics or quotation marks. Consistency in these conventions creates a polished and professional impression for your readers.

  1. Formatting and structure

Effective formatting and structure enhance readability and user experience. Your style guide should provide guidelines on using appropriate headings, subheadings, and paragraph breaks to organize content. This helps readers navigate your content easily and improves comprehension.

Your brand’s visual identity extends to the font choices, font sizes, and spacing in your content. Consistent typography creates uniformity across all your content platforms.

  1. Vocabulary and terminology

Every industry has its own set of terms and jargon. Your style guide defines the specific vocabulary and terminology to be used consistently within your content. It ensures clarity and avoids confusion, especially when communicating with industry professionals or target audience members familiar with the terminology.

Your style guide provides guidelines for choosing easily understandable words and avoids excessive use of jargon or complex language. It fosters effective communication and enhances the reader’s experience.

  1. Approved and unapproved content

Ideally, your brand should fall under a defined industry, and that should simplify the definition of “ideal content.” But for emphasis, your writing style guide can mention specific kinds of content to avoid, for instance, prohibiting religious content on a business blog.

It can also specifically list competitors that writers/editors aren’t permitted to cite or link to and unacceptable words or phrases.

Read also: Your guide to creating a content marketing strategy

Creating Your Writing Style Guide

Follow these steps to develop a comprehensive style guide that will serve as a beacon for your brand’s voice and ensure consistency across all your content platforms.

  1. Assess your brand and audience

Take a deep dive into your brand’s essence. What are the core values that define your brand? What is your brand’s personality? Who is your target audience? Understanding these elements is crucial in shaping your style guide to align with your brand’s identity and resonate with your audience, so be very specific.

Infuse your style guide with the essence of your brand. Consider the tone, language, and style that best represents your brand’s personality and values. Your style guide should reflect whether you aim to be approachable, authoritative, or innovative.

For instance, our target audience at Insight is young Nigerians aged 18-35 interested in digital entrepreneurship and financial independence. It could be more specific, but you get the idea. This means every content associated with Insight will benefit people that fit the description. And in many cases, there’s a CTA encouraging our audience to ask for help.

  1. Outlining the guidelines

This is where you draft the main content of the guide, highlighting rules on grammar, punctuation (e-commerce or ecommerce?), and the other elements mentioned above. Prioritise quality over quantity. You don’t want an overwhelming style guide, so be picky about what you add.

Once you’ve determined the most important elements, provide clear and concise instructions for each one. Explain the desired tone and voice (native slang accepted or not?), establish the rules, specify formatting guidelines, and define preferred content. Be explicit and provide examples for clarity.

  1. Examples and samples

Examples are invaluable in demonstrating the desired style and formatting outlined in your guide. Include snippets of content that showcase the appropriate tone, grammar, and formatting. These examples act as reference points for your writers and contributors, ensuring they understand and follow the guidelines.

To further assist your team, provide templates or sample texts for different types of content they may create. This can include blog post introductions, social media captions, product descriptions, or email templates. These ready-to-use resources streamline the content creation process and maintain consistency across various channels.

  1. Model brands you admire

Every successful brand has a writing style guide. Check out Google, Shopify, and Microsoft‘s guides. Acknowledge the importance of having a resource like this for your brand, and feel free to steal from them if some of their values align with yours.

Following these steps will help you craft a comprehensive writing style guide that captures your brand’s essence and guides your team in creating content that resonates with your audience. 

Implementing and Using Your Style Guide

Creating a writing style guide is just the first step. You must implement and maintain the guide within your team and organisation to fully reap its benefits. Here’s how to ensure your team successfully adopts and utilises the style guide continuously.

  1. Educate your team

Once your style guide is complete, Share it with your team members. Make the guide easily accessible to everyone involved in content creation, whether they are writers, editors, or marketing professionals. Provide digital or printed copies and ensure everyone clearly understands where to find the guide.

Consider conducting training sessions or workshops to reinforce the importance of the style guide and promote its effective usage. These sessions can include interactive discussions, practical exercises, and examples to help your team members grasp and apply the guidelines confidently.

  1. Regular updates and revisions

Language and communication trends are ever-evolving. It’s crucial to acknowledge that your style guide may need periodic updates to keep pace with these changes. Stay informed about industry trends, emerging language usage, and evolving SEO practices. Ensure that your style guide reflects these shifts and adapts accordingly.

Establish a regular review schedule to maintain the relevance and effectiveness of your style guide. Set specific intervals for reviewing and updating the guide, such as quarterly or biannually. Your style guide should be a living document, evolving alongside your brand and adapting easily to the dynamic nature of language and trends.

What now?

You’ve reached the final section of our exploration into the world of writing style guides.

Now that you understand the impact of a writing style guide, I encourage you to take action. Let your words speak volumes, your brand shine through, and your style guide be the guiding light on your path to content excellence. Dramatic? I know.

If you need help, I got you. Reach out.

If you want more writing, editing, and business branding tips, follow us on Twitter for cool tips and tricks.

About Author

Avatar of Halimat Chisom
Halimat Chisom
An experienced freelance SEO content writer and editor. She helps individuals and businesses communicate effectively with their audience and also improve their organic reach with relevant content.
She's an author of several short stories and a devoted lover of the paranormal and fantasy world. Asides business and lifestyle, she also writes about life science and technology.

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