The Impacts of AI and Automation on Different Careers in Nigeria

by Tari Yousuo
AI and Automation

According to the International Monetary Fund, about 40% of jobs will be affected by AI and automation. Even though this organization is well-known, with lots of data, and experts to make intelligent guesses, their statement remains a speculation.

One thing is clear. AI is here to stay, and it will affect different careers both positively and negatively. This article will explore the impacts of AI and automation on careers in Nigeria.

It will also show you how the job market and work demand are changing, so you can equip yourself with relevant skills, and position yourself for future opportunities.

An Overview of AI and Automation in Nigeria 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is any computer program that can carry out specific human-like tasks, such as writing, creating pictures, videos, music, etc.

Automation simply means setting up a system that can handle tasks by itself, without any human intervention, eg, chatbots, automated emails, and check-out pages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI and Automation

Advantages of AI and Automation

  1. Speed

Within seconds, AI can generate an output. With AI, you can write a book in less than an hour, generate a video in minutes, and create a stash of photos in seconds.

  1. Productivity

With AI, you can do more in less time, and with fewer resources. AI can handle tasks meant for 100 people without ever complaining of tiredness.

  1. Agility

With AI, you can reduce the number of people working on a particular project, making it more manageable and easier to control. You can easily move fast, make changes swiftly, and carry your team along.

  1. Automation

The major advantage of automation is that it gives you time to focus on other things, and saves you the stress of doing the same thing repeatedly.

Your AI chatbot can act as a customer support agent 24/7. You can sell your products while you sleep because you have a system in place.

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Disadvantages of AI and Automation

  1. Reduced jobs

As AI models penetrate everywhere and get better, some jobs will be lost. This is already happening.

Some weeks ago, I asked people in a marketing group (one of the largest on LinkedIn) if the demand for content writers has reduced due to AI. Here’s how they responded.

A poll on the impact of AI and Automation on content writers.

A poll on the impact of AI and Automation on content writers.

As high as 58% believed that AI has reduced the demand for content writers. Now you can say that’s only a fraction of the world, but I think there’s truth in there.

With AI and automation, fewer humans are needed to run a business. This will affect workers and job seekers alike, who might find it hard to get or keep their jobs.

  1. Data privacy and security concerns

When you give AI information about your business, you can’t guarantee the safety of your data and how it will be used. With so much cybercrime going on, this is something to worry about. AI can help cybercriminals carry out massive cyber attacks and large-scale fraud.

  1. Lack of creativity and human connection

Artificial Intelligence lacks creativity and human touch. Although AI technology is improving, with Microsoft’s Copilot, Google’s Gemini, and many other new models showing creativity and a human-like feel, it is still limited. They can hardly write poems that will make your heart skip a beat, or stories that will make you cry and argue with your friends for days.

  1. Inaccuracy

Although AI is better than humans in some areas, it can sometimes produce inaccurate results. It can mix up dates, and give false information about people. Images generated might not be exactly what you want.

Relying fully on AI can lead to costly mistakes that might be hard to recover from.

According to Business Insider Africa, “Users of ChatGPT have found that the bot can generate misinformation, incorrectly answer coding problems, and produce errors in basic math.” Now let’s look at the impacts of AI on specific career paths in Nigeria.

Impacts of AI and Automation on Banking and Finance

The use of AI and automation in financial institutions isn’t a new thing. Fraud detection systems and card authentication services have been around for a long time. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is a perfect example of automation in banking.

Another application of automation is in online banking. Many Nigerians have an Opay account but have never been to any of their banks, nor seen or interacted with any of their workers. AI and automation have reduced the need for people in some areas of the banking industry. But does that mean you shouldn’t pursue a career in banking? No! 

You need to understand that the demand for traditional roles such as bank tellers and clerks is reducing. Therefore, you need to equip yourself with skills such as sales, marketing, communication, management, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Roles that require human interaction and judgement such as traders, risk managers, financial advisors, and portfolio managers are still in high demand.

Impacts of AI and Automation on the Accounting Profession

There are a handful of AI accounting software in the market. One example is Clickup. But they’re not going to replace accounting professionals anytime soon.

Although AI can automate many tasks such as data entry, calculating taxes, and generating receipts, they can’t take the place of professionals. This is because, beyond the calculations, accounting involves analysing financial records, strategic planning, providing financial advice and maintaining client relationships.

It takes the understanding and experience of trained accounting professionals to achieve that. AI can help accounting professionals become more productive and accurate by handling repetitive tasks like data entry, so accountants can focus on high-value tasks and build relationships with clients.

If you’re into accounting, consider learning how to use AI tools, so you can do more in less time. It’s here to help you, not replace you.

Impacts of AI and Automation on Healthcare Careers

Healthcare professionals seem to be safe from the fear of being replaced by AI.

Although there have been advancements in AI technology even in healthcare, such as using AI to read diagnostic scan results with a higher level of accuracy or to predict the occurrence of certain diseases in a person, there are many ethical considerations and laws guiding healthcare which limits the use of AI.

Moreover, AI is highly limited when it comes to healthcare service delivery.

For example, in doctor-to-patient interactions, the doctor may pick up vital information and signs by observing the patient’s voice, movement, and physical appearance. But artificial intelligence can only work with the info you give it and will miss out on the not-so-obvious signs.

The bottom line is that AI can’t replace healthcare professionals in the foreseeable future. Even though it can help in certain areas like diagnostics, the experience and training of medical professionals will still be needed to make sound decisions and offer valuable treatment to patients.

Impacts of AI and Automation on Digital Professions

The digital world has been disrupted by artificial intelligence over the past years. There’s an AI for almost everything. From graphic design to video creation, digital marketing, website design, and many more.

It’s favouring business owners and freelancers who can now do more work with less manpower, but costing employees their jobs. Still, digital professionals who have a deep understanding of their skills and are backed by experience in their industry have an edge because Artificial Intelligence can only be as good as the person controlling it.

So while it can do basic tasks and replace some entry-level jobs, it will only give average results if there’s no skilled and experienced professional to coordinate it.

What this means is that digital professionals would need to upskill, learn to use AI, and communicate their value convincingly if they want to thrive.

Impact of AI and Automation on Arts

From animations and paintings to music, and even photography, arts have seen their share of Artificial Intelligence technology.

AI art generators such as Dall-E and Midjourney can generate images in seconds. OpenAI is currently working on a video model called Sora AI that can generate movie-like scenes.

Beatoven can generate music. Indeed, the future is filled with uncertainty. However, artists have a slight edge over AI. Their ability to spark connections and stir up emotions in other humans. Also, the better artists will produce the best art with AI.

If you’re into animations, drawings, and other forms of art, explore AI tools and consider learning prompt engineering to increase your productivity. Also, improve your storytelling and communication skills, and consider building a personal brand so you can stand out.

Event photographers don’t have much to worry about for now. However, studio photographers should be aware that there are challenging AI models out there.

Here's a portrait of Tari Yousuo generated by AI, looking very similar to a studio photograph.

Here’s a portrait of Tari Yousuo generated by AI, looking very similar to a studio photograph.

Impact of AI and Automation on Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity professionals are now in high demand, thanks to the increase in cybercrime. Companies are looking for skilled professionals to protect their data from hackers.

There are AI tools for cybersecurity, but at the moment they’re far from replacing people. They can only help professionals work more accurately and efficiently.

Cybersecurity professionals may need to add AI to their skillset, so they can better handle new threats and stop cyber attacks.

Impacts of AI and Automation on Education

Students already use ChatGPT to do homework and school projects. But AI can’t replace teachers/lecturers because if education is just about passing a pile of information to students, there’d be no need for schools.

Teachers are communicators, storytellers, motivators, and managers, who inspire students to become knowledgeable and valuable citizens in society. AI can’t do that.

Also, there’s the risk of misinformation that comes with the use of Artificial Intelligence. At best, AI can act as a teacher’s assistant, helping them make summaries, prepare lesson notes, set exam questions, etc.

Impact of AI and Automation on Manufacturing Industries 

When you combine Artificial Intelligence with powerful machines, you get automated systems that can perform manual repetitive tasks such as assembling products, packaging, mixing chemicals, etc.

The benefits of such systems include fewer injuries and physical strain. But there’d be little to no need for manual labourers. Manufacturing companies will be looking more at recruiting operators, equipment maintenance and repair professionals, quality assurance personnel, and other more strategic roles.

Impact of AI and Automation on Engineering

As with other skilled professions like Medicine, AI isn’t replacing engineers anytime soon. But soon, employers may be looking for people who can use AI tools in engineering.

Impacts of AI on Copy/Content Writing

Jasper AI is one of the many tools that can do copywriting. Many businesses now use ChatGPT for writing content. Indeed, the copywriting and content writing space is highly competitive at the moment.

However excellent writers still have an edge because the AI tools can’t write copy that converts or content that drives traffic and engagement without the help of someone skilled at it.

It takes a deep understanding of your target audience, and niche, fact-checking, and quality editing to produce valuable content.

So while AI can replace average copywriters and content writers, it can’t give the results that experienced writers will produce.

If you’re a writer, you need to think of how to give clients tangible results like more sales, increased traffic, and engagement, if you want to stay competitive.

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Impacts of AI and Automation on Programming

Devin AI, an AI Software Engineer, was released months ago. It caused panic in the programming world. All of a sudden, people who once thought they were high above AI started to worry about losing their jobs. But after a while, one thing became clear.

The tool can help programmers work faster, but it’s not going to turn someone who knows nothing about programming into an expert. As with many other careers, Artificial Intelligence is more of a productivity tool, helping you work faster and more efficiently, not a total replacement.


AI is here to stay. It is impacting different career paths and will continue to do so until we reach a bottleneck. Some jobs will be lost or their pay reduced drastically. Entry-level jobs that can be done by following simple instructions are more at risk. At the same time, some jobs will be created and some roles will see a higher demand. 

Roles involving critical thinking, creativity, human interaction, strategic planning, decision-making, and relationship-building will withstand the AI wave. Businesses will be looking for people who can give them tangible results, not just do tasks. “If anyone can do your job, then most likely AI and automation can do it.”

Thus, to excel, you need to learn continuously, have a deeper understanding of your skills and industry, and gain relevant new skills. You also need to learn how to sell yourself, and how to communicate the value you bring to any company or business.

Edited by Priscilla Ajayi.

About Author

Tari Yousuo
Tari Yousuo
Tari Yousuo is an SEO specialist and content writer, writing about Tech and IT, Cloud Computing, AI, and Marketing.

When he's not digging deep into tech and the digital world, you can find him absorbing the beauty of nature or playing with poetry.

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