Career Growth Strategies for Entry-Level Professionals in Nigeria

entry level professional

Beginning a fulfilling career journey requires strategy, determination, and adaptability. There is such intense competition in the market, and it has become important, if not mandatory, for individuals to equip themselves with valuable skill sets and knowledge that can give them an edge and make them stand out. 

One of the significant things you must be aware of as an entry-level professional who desires to grow career-wise is that a set of basic principles guide the path to success. 

In this article, I’ll be taking you through these principles, fasten your seat belt as we journey through. 

Career Growth Strategies for Entry-Level Professionals in Nigeria

  1. Set goals

As an entry-level professional who wants to climb the career ladder, setting goals is very important. You may have all the plans carefully laid in your head, but you need to have it outlined where you can see it or write it down to be able to achieve anything. 

A goal is not a goal until it is written down. Writing these goals helps you have a clear direction, focus efforts, stay motivated, and make strategic decisions.

How to Set SMART Goals

SMART means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Specific goals ensure clarity by being particular about what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable goals allow you to track progress and stay accountable.
  • Goals should be attainable to maintain motivation and avoid frustration.
  • Relevance ensures that goals align with your career aspirations and values.
  • Time-bound goals have deadlines, pushing you to take action and avoid procrastination.

Using goal trackers, such as apps or journals, can help visualize progress. Regularly reviewing goals and tracking progress provides clarity and motivation. Accountability partners or mentors can also help monitor progress and offer guidance celebrating small victories, which boosts morale and encourages further progress.

  1. Get the right education and training

Acquiring relevant education and training equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in your industry. 

Exploring diverse learning avenues and selecting those that align with your goals is important. You might also need to apply to accredited degree programs, online courses, or workshops. Pursuing certifications that validate your expertise and enhance your credibility.

Read also: Top 10 Skills to Put on a Resume that will Boost Your Hiring Chances. 

  1. Develop your skills

Your ability to consistently upgrade your entry-level skills gives you a competitive edge and makes you adaptable in your career. Without leaving your entry-level jobs, you can also take advantage of online platforms that offer courses. Participate actively in workshops or seminars to master new tools and techniques.

To do this, you can decide, for example, to learn machine learning via online courses to improve your data analysis capabilities. In doing so, you may; 

  • Attend a graphics design workshop to refine your skills in photography
  • Join tech social media platforms to collaborate with others and learn about new trends in your industry.

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  1. Personal branding

Personal branding is a primary pivotal strategy for career growth in Nigeria, where a competitive job market demands unique individual identities. As an entry level professional, branding informs people about your expertise, how reliable you are, gives credibility and trust thereby making you an authority. A solid online presence spurs career advancement. 

Leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter will help you as an entry-level professional to showcase your expertise, expand your network, and challenges your growth.

  1. Network and get mentorship

These two interconnected concepts provide a dynamic pathway for professionals seeking to advance their careers. Building a solid professional network can open doors to opportunities in a country where personal relationships and connections often matter as much as qualifications. 

Mentorship navigates the nuances of the professional landscape, offering advice, sharing experiences, and helping you avoid common pitfalls. 

  1. Get experience

As an entry-level professional who wants to grow in their career path, gaining practical experience cannot be over-emphasized. It allows you to hone your skills by exposing you to other people’s practice. 

Gaining experience also involves seeking out opportunities that align with your goals; for example, you can apply for internships and entry-level positions in your industry. You can also decide to volunteer or freelance to build your portfolio and broaden your skill set or take a leadership position in a team to develop and sharpen your leadership and management skills. 

  1. Ask for help

Many professionals, especially the upcoming entry-level folks, struggle to ask for help. They believe they can figure things out themselves with resultant frustration and multiple failures and dead ends. 

Seeking for help by reaching out to mentors, colleagues, and professionals in your industry for insights. Make use of online communities and forums such as Quora, Nairaland, etc, to seek answers to specific questions.

  1. Persistence and resilience 

Entry-level professionals trying to step up the ladder of career growth in their industry have to develop patience and resilience as they journey through that path.

It is important to note that waiting periods are part of your career, although this period seems longer than usual especially when the desired career opportunities you are chasing are not coming forth.

It makes many ask themselves if they are on the right path. Winds of self-doubt might suddenly blow at you and might make you question your abilities. To maximize this period effectively, you must first recognize and then embrace the waiting period by seeing it as an avenue to develop, hone your skills, and expand your knowledge by acquiring new skills or through additional training. 

It is called a time of preparation.


Achieving career growth in Nigeria is challenging, and as an entry-level professional, you have to recognize and embrace this pathway.

To succeed and thrive in this environment, you need to add patience and resilience to your armor and take a strategic approach to leverage your skills and move with emerging trends. 

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Edited by Oluwanifemi Akintomide.

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